Nurture yourself through all seasons
This ongoing year-long journey will guide us intentionally and gently with the seasons. We will nurture slowness together, grounding our growth and evolution in cyclical rituals that follow the sun and the changes of our earth.
We will meet every 6 weeks, coinciding with the seasonal festivals, or sabbats, of the year. These festivals are made up of the solar events of the year, the solstices and equinoxes, and the half-way points between. They mark the beginning of our seasons and the halfway marks of each season, offering a perfect rhythm for checking in with ourselves.
Each session will consist of a seasonal ritual, intention setting, gentle yoga and breathing, guided meditation, guided journaling, and a final integration. These will be deeply personal sessions, with cameras and microphones off so that you can attune to and care for yourself throughout the 2 hours of guided practice.
Together we will start to build sacred practices of our own - nurturing our internal growth, and exploring a deeper connection with ourselves that comes from moving with our natural world.
a quiet calling...
As I’ve moved through a very transitional year for myself, I’ve continued to come back to these sabbats, these markers of time passing. And while they show the time is passing, the earth shifting and changing, they are also steadfast, constant. They continue to return to us, or we to them, season after season, year after year. They offer us a return - to ourselves, to the earth - a moment to let go of the constant push toward progress and a breath to see the beauty of an ever-changing landscape. From each blade of grass, to the birds in our trees, to the leaves at the end of the branches. The frost that blankets the earth, the flowers that begin to peak as the sun fills our sky... longer and longer and longer, then less and less and less. In Midwinter we feel hope and security in the promise of the return of light, and in the heat of summer a longing for the slowness and retreat that is promised to come as that light fades again. Promised change, steadfast patterns. We have so much to learn from our natural world.
My own journey of discovery of these markers of time, of living and breathing with the seasons, has ebbed and flowed, yet I’ve continued to find solace and peace in the practice of following. And in this following, I’ve found that the earth and its cycles has so much to reveal to us, if we let it, if we slow down enought to see and listen. Through this practice of seasonality, of slowing down, grounding down, and flowing with and through the earth, we can find a more natural way of living, a simpler, humbler, truer way of being, a way of being that is with and of nature. We are nature. We’ve busied our little selves, created distractions, pretend we are not, forgotten what our ancestors knew to be true, but we are of nature. And when we slow down, ground down, get gentle with ourselves and send our roots down into the earth again, when we let nature show us how to change, how of balance, we can find a deeper peace and truth to our own sense of belonging in this place.
I have held my practices of moving and living with the sabbats close over the years, never really sharing them, but I have been feeling the urge to reach out and offer my hand so that we may walk together. I’m hearing from all over that a heavy sadness has been sinking in - a sadness at our disconnection, a loneliness we have created as a society, a low murmur of anxiety over all our distractions and problems we’ve created for ourselves. And gosh I feel it too. But when I slow down and ebb and flow with the earth, I feel an ease, I sense something deeper and truer that speaks to our existence as human beings. And so in all of this, I’ve felt an urge to reach out, to take a bigger leap and share, facilitate, and reach for more connection with each other and our earth.
up next... ostara
Within the wheel of the year, we are approaching the spring equinox, Ostara. A time of excitement and hope, we can begin to prepare ourselves and our spirits for the abundance ahead.
an invitation from our earth...
If you have been feeling a longing for slowness, wanting to find more intentional ways to connect with yourself, with our earth, if you have felt distant from yourself, or disconnected from the earth, if you have been wanting to establish rituals, a journaling practice, a meditation practice, if you just feel lost and like you need to grasp on to something, anything, let this be an invitation....
Or maybe you already have a strong connection with yourself, have your own established practices and rituals, know how to connect with the earth, how to tap into your innate self. If all that is true, I am guessing you still feel a deeper call, a nudge, like me, to keep reaching, keep learning, keep grounding,
keep becoming. ​​
Wherever you are at in your journey, this is for you. This practice of grounding is for all of us. Because as the earth teaches us, we will continue to begin. We evolve, yes, over time, but we ground ourselves in the seasonality of life, we are offered, time and time again, to begin again.
So wherever you are coming from, wherever you are at, let's step into this journey together and see where it can lead us, see what the earth has in store to teach us.
the details:
Each session will be held from 9am-11am MT on the following Saturdays:

Samhain: Saturday November 2nd
Yule: Saturday December 21st
Imbolc: Saturday February 1st, 2025
Ostara: Saturday March 22nd, 2025
Beltane: Saturday May 3rd, 2025
Litha: Saturday June 21st, 2025
Lammas: Saturday August 2nd, 2025
Mabon: Saturday September 20th, 2025
Samhain: Saturday November 1st, 2025
For quick time difference calculations, these will be held:
8am-10am Pacific
9am-11am Mountain
10am-12pm Central
11am-1pm Eastern
4pm-6pm British
Each Session:
Each session will be 2 hours long, and while every session will vary, each will generally consist of a seasonal ritual, intention setting, some gentle yoga and breathing, guided meditation, guided journaling, and an ending integration. Participants will keep cameras and microphones off throughout the 2 hours, allowing you to really tune in to yourself and not worry about others.
Time for Connection:
Following the 2 hour session, we will break for 10 minutes, at which point you may leave and move along with your day or continue in your journaling or meditative state. If you would like though, you may join back after that small break for more open conversation and connection with others who attended. This will still be facilitated, and we will do Q&A, share thoughts, or just flow in conversation, seeing where it leads.
In your inbox:
Each offering will be prefaced with an email that will introduce the season and sabbat, with some of my own thoughts and experiences on it, as well as let you know of anything that you will need for our session.
You will also receive a follow up email that will include the recording, additional journaling prompts, rituals, meditations, recipes, etc. to accompany you throughout the season.
Join me for your first session for $5 with promo code: "letsbegin"
Ongoing Drop- in: $20
Seasonal package (2 sessions): $32
If you are unable to attend a session, you will still receive the recording via email, as well as all emailed materials.
*please reach out if you’re interested but feeling financial strain. Sliding scale, payment plans, and trades are all options when needed.
I’d love to have you along for this journey, so let’s find a way to make sure you can be!
a note if you're feeling hesitant...
One final thing to note, if you are feeling lost, confused, or hesitant around the idea of any of this, I want to invite you to sit with that unease for a moment and give it a try. I wanted to offer this first session as an easy drop-in so that you can explore and see what this can be.
If the language of "sabbats" worries you a bit - maybe you just don't understand what they are, or maybe you're fearing they won't integrate with your current beliefs, I ask you give yourself, and these practices, a chance to show you. I believe our bodies, our souls, know what is right for us, and as we open ourselves to new ways of being and experiencing, we will find our truth. My intention here is to help you foster a more hallowed connection with yourself and our earth, for you to develop a sacred practice and a sense of truth that is yours. As we move through these seasons, I will teach you more about these markers of time, about the wheel of the year, its history, its stories, its rituals. As these are Celtic markers, you will find a lot of our Christian holidays coincide with these passages of time, the stories of Saints relate to these seasonal markers, etc. There is so much to be uncovered in how we have moved with the earth in the past and how we can integrate it into our lives once again. Moving with the seasons is in our bones, it is an ancestral practice which we intuitively know, we've just lost our ways a bit and forgotten. ​
I want this to be a way for us to strengthen our connections with one another as well, to open up conversations about things that are deeply important to us, for that I think is our most important work as human beings, and the most meaningful gift we can give and recieve.

- Feb 15, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
- Mar 22, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
- May 03, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
- Jun 21, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
- Aug 02, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
- Sep 20, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM